10 Simple SWEET POTATO Baby Food Recipe Combinations

What are some good sweet potato baby food recipe combinations?

If your baby is already old enough to start eating solid foods, a sweet potato puree recipe might be just the thing you are looking for. Learn how to make baby food with sweet potato with these super simple recipes

Your sweet potato can be:

  • baked
  • boiled/simmered
  • steamed
  • air fried

and mashed together with some:

  • apple
  • carrot
  • bell pepper
  • banana
  • beans
  • beets
  • cauliflower
  • mango

How to bake sweet potato for baby food:

  1. preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C)
  2. wrap the sweet potato in foil
  3. bake for 45-60 minutes

How to boil sweet potato for baby food:

  1. chop sweet potato into small cubes
  2. take a small or medium saucepan
  3. add a cup of water
  4. bring to boil
  5. cover and reduce heat
  6. simmer until tender (15 minutes)

How to steam sweet potato for baby food:

  1. put the steamer into a medium pot
  2. add 2 cups of water
  3. bring to boil
  4. chop your sweet potato into small cubes
  5. add them onto the steamer
  6. steam until tender (15 minutes)

Free Baby Food Recipe Book

Are you ready to start making some yummy and nutritious food for your little one? 

We’ve got you covered!

Just download our Baby Food Cookbook and get started on a tasty journey of homemade meals that can help your baby grow and develop.

And the best part? It’s totally free!

Baby Food: Sweet Potato, Apple, Bell Pepper Puree

This recipe from Tandy combines the sweet potato with apple and bell pepper.

  1. chop 1 sweet potato into small cubes
  2. steam sweet potato for 7 minutes
  3. slice and chop 1 apple and 1 bell pepper
  4. add the apple and bell pepper to the steamer
  5. steam 8 more minutes
  6. blend it all together
  7. add a bit of water if too dense

>See the whole recipe here<

Baby Food Recipe: Baked Sweet Potato

Addi‘s puree recipe is just baked sweet potato with no more added veggies. And why not since they are delicious on their own.

  1. bake 2 sweet potatoes
  2. let it cool
  3. peel off the skin
  4. put into blender and blend
  5. add water if needed

>See the whole recipe here<

Baby Food Recipe: Sweet Potato with Apple or Carrot

Natalie has a recipe for both a sweet and savory variation of a sweet potato puree. The sweet version is with apple and cinnamon while the savory has carrots and thyme.

  1. chop sweet potato into small cubes
  2. chop either apple or carrot
  3. simmer the sweet potato with apple or carrot until tender (15 minutes)
  4. blend together
  5. add cinnamon or thyme

>See the whole recipe here<

Baby Food Recipe: Sweet Potato, Mango, Ginger

All of these combinations from Michele seem original and super delicious. The 1st one is with mango and ginger.

  1. cut sweet potato into small cubes
  2. simmer in a saucepan until tender
  3. cut mango and grate ginger
  4. transfer everything into a blender and blend together
  5. add steamer water if needed

>See the whole recipe here<


Sweet potato, banana and cinnamon:

  1. cut sweet potato into small cubes
  2. steam over boiling water (15 minutes)
  3. transfer to a blender
  4. add banana and cinnamon (steamer water if needed)
  5. blend everything together

>See the whole recipe here<


Sweet potato, white beans, beets:

  1. cut sweet potato and beets into small pieces
  2. steam over boiling water (15 minutes)
  3. transfer everything into a blender and blend together
  4. add steamer water if needed

>See the whole recipe here<


Sweet potato, carrot, cauliflower, chia seeds:

  1. cut sweet potato, carrot and cauliflower into small pieces
  2. steam over boiling water (15 minutes)
  3. transfer everything into a blender and blend together
  4. add chia seeds and steamer water if needed

>See the whole recipe here<

Baby Food Air Fryer Sweet Potatoes

If your baby is old enough to bite, you can try Kermilia‘s recipe for air fried sweet potatoes. These delicious little bites are cinnamon and honey glazed, but you can make a savory version also.

  1. cut sweet potato into small cubes
  2. put them into a large mixing bowl
  3. add olive oil, honey, and cinnamon and toss together
  4. put into air frier on 400°F for 20 minutes
  5. let cool and serve

>See the whole recipe here<

So, which baby food recipe are you going to try out first?

Final Tip: Keep Track of Your Sweet Potato Baby Food Journey with Annie Baby Monitor

Have you ever tried making sweet potato baby food from scratch? 

It’s a lot of fun, and with Annie Baby Monitor’s tracking feature, it’s even easier to keep tabs on everything.

Did you know that you can use the baby tracker feature to keep an eye on how your little one reacts to different pumpkin recipes?

Get the Annie Baby Monitor and become a feeding pro! This handy device makes organizing your baby’s feeding routine a breeze.

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sweet potato baby food recipe, how to make baby food with sweet potato, baby puree recipe
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