Summer Unique Baby Names
- Created:
1. 7. 2021 - Updated:
7. 10. 2022

When you think of summer, you probably picture yourself sunbath under the sunny sky as you dip your toes into the warm, blue ocean.
While summer is always a fun time of year, it can be extra hard if your pregnancy journey overlaps with the season. If you’re going through a summer pregnancy or if your little one is due to arrive over the summer months, why not take some inspiration from the season and choose a baby name to reflect this? Summer names are perfect for expectant parents looking for baby names with a sunny, chilled out vibe. Not to mention, these names all carry a unique meaning.
We wrote down baby names related to the summer months of June, July, and August, as well as the summer zodiac signs baby names. Flower baby names are also right for summer babies, as are names relating to warm weather.
Along with Summer, Juliet, and August, popular summer baby names that rank in the US Top 1000 include Daisy, Dylan, Leo, Isabel, and Jennifer. Unique summer baby names worth considering range from Leonora to Sunniva to Apollo and Elio.

The name Aine is a girl’s name of Irish origin meaning “brightness, splendor”.
The name Apollo is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning “destroyer”.
The name Ari is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Hebrew origin meaning “lion of God”.
The name Aslan is a boy’s name of Turkish origin meaning “lion”.
The name August is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Latin origin meaning „majestic, venerable, great, magnificent“.
The name Aurora is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “dawn”.
The name Austin is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of English (shortened version of Augustine) origin meaning „great, magnificent“.
The name Bay is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Latin origin meaning „berry“.
The name Beckett is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of English and Irish origin meaning “bee hive, little brook or bee cottage”.
The name Birch is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name meaning “dweller in the birch wood”.
The name Birdie is a girl’s name of English, Swedish origin meaning “bird”.
The name Coco is a girl’s name of French origin meaning „chocolate bean“.
The name Coral is a girl’s name meaning „enduring beauty“.
Cosmo 🔥
The name Cosmo is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning “order, beauty”.
Cyrus 🔥
The name Cyrus is a boy’s name of Persian origin meaning “sun”.
The name Daisy is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “daisy”.
Daphne 🔥
The name Daphne is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “laurel tree, bay tree”.
The name Dax is a boy’s name of French origin meaning „boys’ underwear“.
The name Dayton is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of English origin meaning “place with a dike”.
The name Dune is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of English origin meaning „beach and ocean“.
The name Dylan is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Welsh origin meaning “son of the sea”.
The name Eilidh is a girl’s name of Scottish origin meaning “sun, radiant one”.
The name Elio is a boy’s name of Italian origin meaning “Yahweh is God”.
The name Gardner is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of English origin meaning “keeper of the garden”.
The name Inez is a girl’s name of Portuguese origin meaning “pure, virginal”.
The name Isabel is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning “pledged to God”.
The name Isla is a girl’s name of Spanish, Scottish origin meaning “island”.
Iris 🔥
The name Iris is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “rainbow”.
The name Jennifer is a girl’s name of Cornish origin meaning “white shadow, white wave”.
The name Julia is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “youthful or sky father”.
The name Julian is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name meaning “youthful or sky father”.
The name June is a girl’s name of Latin origin.
The name Juliet is a girl’s name of French, English origin meaning “youthful or sky father”.
The name Julius is a boy’s name of Latin origin meaning “youthful, downy-bearded”.
The name Kai is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Scandinavian, Japanese, Hawaiian origin meaning “sea”.
The name Kira is a girl’s name of Russian origin meaning “throne”.
The name Lake is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of English origin meaning „lake“.
The name Lavender is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “lavender”.
The name Leo is a boy’s name of German, Latin origin meaning “lion”.
The name Leona is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “lioness”.
Leonora 🔥
The name Leonora is a girl’s name of English, Italian origin meaning unknown.
The name Lily is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “lily”.
The name Lin is variation of name Linda is a girl’s name of Spanish, Italian, Portuguese origin meaning “pretty”.
The name Luca is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Italian, Slavic origin meaning “light”.
The name Luna is a girl’s name of Italian origin meaning “moon”.
Marigold 🔥
The name Marigold is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “golden flower”.
The name Marin is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Latin origin meaning “sea”.
The name Marisol is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning “Mary of Solitude”.
The name Maverick is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of American origin meaning “independent, nonconformist”.
The name Meadow is a girl’s name meaning „meadow“.
The name Milena is a girl’s name of Czech origin meaning “love, warmth, grace”.
The name Murphy is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Irish origin meaning “hound of the sea”.
The name Nereida is a girl’s name meaning “sea nymph”.
The name Onyx is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name meaning „gem“.
The name Pearl is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “pearl”.
The name Poppy is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “poppy”.
The name River is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name meaning „river“.
The name Rosalie is a girl’s name of French origin meaning “rose”.
The name Rose is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “rose, a flower”.
Ruby 🔥
The name Ruby is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Latin origin meaning “deep red precious stone”.
The name Savannah is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning “flat tropical grassland”.
The name Sofia is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “wisdom”.
Soleil 🔥
The name Soleil is a girl’s name of French origin meaning “sun”.
The name Summer is a girl’s name meaning „summer“.
The name Sunny is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of English origin meaning „sunny, bright, sunshine“.
The name Skye is a boy’s as same as girl‘s name of Scottish origin meaning „sky“.
The name Thalassa is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “the sea”.
The name Virginia is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “virginal, pure”.
The name Vesta is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning “pure”.

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