30 SCI FI Baby Girl Names from Popular Games, Books and Movies
- Created:
7. 3. 2017 - Updated:
26. 7. 2023
Do you love sci fi books and movies? Would you like to name your baby girl after a warrior princess, a fearless commander or a powerful superhero?
With a name like this your daughter will surely grow to b as confident as these famous sci fi ladies. Check out these sci fi girl names from popular games, books and movies. In the following list, you’ll find the names from Marvel and DC comic books, the TV show Firefly or the legendary Star Wars movies.
Sci Fi Girl Names:
1. Alita (Alita – Battle Angel)
2. Andromeda (Andromeda)
3. Barbarella (Barbarella)
4. Dana (The X-Files)
5. Diana (Wonder Woman)
6. Ellen / Ripley (Alien)
7. Elora (Willow)
8. Ezri (Star Trek)
9. Inara (Firefly)
10. Jyn (Star Wars)
11. Kamala (Ms. Marvel)
12. Kara (Battlestar Galactica / Supergirl)
13. Katniss (The Hunger Games)
14. Kaylee (Firefly)
15. Kira (Star Trek)
16. Lara (Tomb Raider)
17. Leela (Futurama)
18. Leia (Star wars)
19. Lexa (The 100)
20. Liara (Mass Effect)
21. Lorraine (Back to the Future)
22. Nyota / Uhura (Star Trek)
23. Rey (Star Wars)
24. River (Firefly)
25. Selina (Batman)
26. Serina (Battlestar Galactica)
27. Tasha (Star Trek)
28. Teyla (Stargate Atlantis)
29. Trinity (The Matrix)
30. Zoë (Firefly)
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