Month 6 (22–26 Week) of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
- Created:
16. 2. 2017 - Updated:
7. 10. 2022
The end of your 2nd trimester is here, month 6 of pregnancy. Your belly is still growing which might result in stretch marks, itchy skin or some digestion problems.
We didn’t mean to scare you, but you already knew pregnancy is no piece of cake. You are amazing and can totally do it.
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Month 6 of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
Week 22
Colostrum might be coming out of your breasts. Colostrum is a liquid that contains many vitamins and minerals for the baby – something like your first breastmilk.
You may notice beginnings of stretch marks on your tummy, thighs, breasts or backside. This is normal, your skin is stretching, accommodating new life. You can lessen them by keeping your skin moisturized and drinking plenty of fluids. However, genetics plays an important role, so don’t feel bad if this advice just doesn’t work for you.
Week 23
Your belly grows very quickly now. That’s why you might feel physically uncomfortable.
You can feel pains and cramps in your belly, have digestion problems or problems with heartburn because the uterus is pressing against your stomach.
Week 24
Generally, the growth of your baby has slowed down a little bit compared to previous weeks but it is still growing weight rapidly. If you were to give birth right now, your baby would have a high chance of surviving.
Between weeks 24 and 28, you might get a glucose screen test to check for diabetes which occurs in about 10 % of all pregnant women. This condition usually disappears once you’ve given birth.
Week 25
You might experience something called the Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor.
These contractions are irregular and vary in intensity but they do not mean the baby is coming. It’s just the uterus preparing by exercising the muscles. If you have any concerns, contact your doctor.
Week 26
Your skin might feel itchy due to the stretching from your increasingly bigger tummy – try rubbing it with lotion to ease the pain.
How big is your baby this month? Click here!
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