10 Coping Strategies to Overcome Insomnia in Pregnancy
- Created:
21. 1. 2020 - Updated:
7. 10. 2022
Do you have trouble sleeping? Trust me, you are not alone. Especially in pregnancy, women may have difficulty falling asleep. Here are some tips for you to cope with sleeping issues.
Do you feel tired all the time? Sun is shining, you are going to get groceries and suddenly you have to stop every 5 metres? It is sooo hot, isn’t it? The bench is your new best friend. Shopping takes ages and everyone is staring at you. You are not a weirdo. You are just a pregnant woman. You should rest more often, put your legs up and relax. Everybody will understand that. Do not do anything stressful or exhausting.
Take care of your body, eat small portions 6-7 times a day, try to enrich your diet – eat fish, beef, poultry, beans, leafy vegetable, dried fruit, eggs, wholemeal products.
Why cannot you sleep during pregnancy?
There are many reasons to explain this question. For example:
– need to use the toilet frequently
– leg cramps (restless legs syndrome – RLS)
– stress, anxiety
– vomiting and nausea
What is insomnia?
Sleeplessness is a sleep disorder in which people have trouble sleeping. Insomnia can be short term, lasting for days or weeks, or long term, lasting more than a month.
Coping strategies:
1. Regularity
Try to set a system. Plan your day and create your “rituals”. Wake up at the same time every day, stretch your body, do a little exercise, have a proper breakfast, etc.
2. Breathing exercises and meditation
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. There are many helpful videos on youtube you can watch and learn how to breathe properly – click here.
3. The special pillow
A true lifesaver for the future mums. The shape of the pillow will protect your body and allow you to sleep on the side. Super soft and comfy!
4. Massage
Let your partner give you a perfect calming massage of your dreams. Candles, favourite music and your loved one. All it takes to make you feel better.
5. Hot milk with honey
Prepare hot milk with honey and sprinkle of cinnamon. This drink can calm your nerves and get you to sleep. Cuddle up under the blanket, put your pyjamas on and slowly drink this speciality.
6. Positive thinking
Stressing about things does not help. Being a mum is scary, but it is also beautiful and rewarding. Try to change your mindset and think positive. The mind can have a huge influence on your physical health.
7. Going for a walk
Not an exhausting hike, but a short walk can help you a lot. Get the fresh air in!
8. Quick cold shower
Nothing complicated. 2-3 minutes under cold (not icy cold!) water will refresh your senses. A sudden change of temperature might have a surprising impact on your body.
9. Exercise
Regular everyday exercise, staying active during the day is necessary. Physical activity is really important during pregnancy.
10. The colder climate in the bedroom
Before going to bed, leave the window open for 10 minutes and let the fresh air in. Sleeping in a colder environment might be beneficial for your sleep.
Do not forget to:
- drink a lot of water, 2-3 litres per day,
- lay down, get the sleep in,
- eat smaller portions more often,
- drink chamomile and lime tea, fruit tea,
- eat healthy food, fruit and vegetables, smoothies, fresh fruit juices to get energy