20 Cutest EASTER Coloring Pages Printable
- Created:
30. 3. 2020 - Updated:
30. 3. 2020
Are you stuck at home with your kids in quarantine?
We know you love your children more than anything else in the world. But for a parent trying to work from home, their constantly high levels of energy might be slightly exhausting.
What’s more, Easter is approaching.
And even though the festivities will be very different this year, that doesn’t mean we should forget them altogether.
A great way to entertain your kids and celebrate Easter at the same time is to give them some easter themed coloring pages.
There are easter eggs, easter bunny, and even easter chicks.
Print them out, give your child some colored pencils and enjoy a few hours of relaxing.
You deserve it.
How to download the easter coloring pages
- Choose the image you like
- Click the “Download here” link bellow
- A high-resolution image will appear
- Right-click the image
- Choose “Save Image As …”
(All graphics purchased at depositphotos)