Dad and Baby Activities: 7 Tips How to Have Fun Together
- Created:
10. 5. 2022 - Updated:
19. 2. 2024
Dad, are you going to spend a few hours or your whole day with your child just in two? We have prepared special tips for you on how to enjoy your time together.
For the Smallest (0 – 3 M)
Don’t be fooled by the baby not responding to everything yet. He/she is just getting used to the world around him. But you can even try to entertain the little one when they are not sleeping.
The Hands
Have you shown your baby how fascinating your hands are? It’s not fun for the baby, human fingers are unknown objects that can bend and “dance” in various ways. The baby will surely watch them with interest.
The Face
But the face is even better! You can look at the baby differently, talk, peek out from behind the hands or diapers, make different sounds or babies gently “fart” on the tummy while changing the diaper. These are very interesting perceptions for him. Everything is new these days.
At this age, it is important not to entertain the baby for too long, not to overwhelm him with new information. The baby needs a lot of sleep during this time. The child could easily be unable to fall asleep at this age if he/she has too many perceptions.
💡 TIP: Games for Babies – 0 to 3rd Month of the Baby’s Life
Little Nosey Parker (4 – 6 M)
You no longer have to worry about your baby not responding. The baby is interested in everything now! The little one will be content to watch you work.
The First Games
During this period, you can start with classic games like Pat and Cake or Peek A Boo. The “plane” is popular with children – You have the baby on your arms in front of you and you move it sideways, around, up and down.
Do you like fishing? Catch “fish” in the house. Tie the plush toy on a string (be careful not to loosen the fibers). Sit the child on your lap and throw the toy behind an object where it is not visible at first glance – behind the table, behind the box with toys, behind the pillow. Then slowly pull the string together. Applaud when the toy appears. The little one will explore where the stuffed animal always hides. He/she will be thrilled when it comes out.
💡 TIP: Games for Babies – 4 to 6th Month of the Baby’s Life
Soon Will Be a Year Old (Up to 1 Year)
The More Common the Better
This is a beautiful time. You can find infinite inspiration at home and abroad. Try using basic items. For example, remove the label from an ordinary plastic bottle and fill it with something – pebbles, sand, nuts, water, beads, buttons. Tighten the cap well! Then show the new “toy” to the child. He/she can rattle it, roll over it, he/she will probably even bite it, so make sure the new “toy” is clean and well closed.
Little chef – outside on the sandpit or at home in the kitchen, it doesn’t matter. A pot, a wooden spoon, and a lid entertain the child as well as cakes, sand and a shovel. You can cook and build together, or just watch and “taste” what the little chef brings you.
Hide and Seek
The children will love the game hide and seek for a long time. You can start with it now. From the beginning, choose simple hiding places so that your baby can find you. Ordinary “Peek a Boo” or “I have you!”, will make all laughs laugh.
💡 TIP: Games for Babies – 7 to 12th Month of the Baby’s Life
When you spend time with your little one, you will surely discover a lot of other gadgets and games where you will have fun together.
Final Tip: Annie Baby Monitor – Your Ultimate Dad Helper
If you’re looking for help to be the best dad ever, you gotta check out Annie Baby Monitor – especially if you’re taking care of a baby.
It’s got everything you need to keep an eye on your baby, track their activities, and even analyze their sleep history. Whether you’re at home or out and about, Annie’s got your back!

With Annie Baby Monitor, you can be confident that you’re always in the know about your little one’s needs, and you’ll be able to handle fatherhood like a pro!