Baby’s Development – 4 Month Old Milestones
- Created:
13. 4. 2021 - Updated:
4. 10. 2023
This month, the baby is making the biggest progress. Baby gets acquainted with the environment and establishes closer contact with it. Baby shows his needs and desires and people around are beginning to understand the baby better.
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Baby’s Motor Skills Develop The Most:
- The baby masters the movements of the head well.
- When lying on back, baby can turn head on both sides and tilt it and look up.
IMPORTANT: Be carefull about head tilts – do not put objects behind the baby’s head, but to the sides.
- Lying on stomach, the baby learns to reach for the wanted objects that sees. Baby can already maintain the weight of the head and chest, even if support themself by only one hand. Baby can use the second hand to manipulate and reach for objects to help with strengthening the back and neck muscles.
- Between 3rd and 4th months of life, the baby can turn from the back to the side and gradually to the belly. If the child does not want to turn on side, we can help by training the grip of the toy through the center of the body. This means that we transfer the toy from the left side to the right and at the same time hold the baby’s right hand so the more distant toy must take the baby in his left hand.
Development Of Sensory Perception
Eye coordination – the hands are already developed so the child can manipulate the objects that see, and at the same time baby is already beginning to distinguish between faces and facial expressions.
The baby is smiling more and more. The main emotional expression of the child is a happy mood, loud laughter and the beginnings of imitation of speech. Baby hardly cries at all, constantly engaged in something and observes the world around with interest.
The baby can distinguish between familiar and unknown people.

How To Support The Baby’s Development
One of the ways to support the baby‘s development in this month of life is infant swimming. Being in the water reminds children of the environment and safety in their mother’s tummy. Gentle rocking motion evokes a feeling of calm and security.
The goal of this early swimming is to cultivate and maintain the baby’s positive attitude towards the aquatic environment. The form of playing in water supports the development of the baby’s motor skills and strengthens his immune system.
Water Games With Baby
Games in the water can be played with the baby at home in the bath too. However, it is very important to follow certain rules. Let’s check them out:
- Fill the bath with fresh water.
- We measure the water temperature it should be between 32–34 ° C.
- Some children like colder water, it is individual, so it is possible to change the child’s water, if the situation allows.
- Between the ages of 3rd and 6th month it is recommended to leave the baby in the water for about 20 to 40 minutes.
- We enable the baby to stay undisturbed in the water by leaving the opportunity to focus on the feelings and stimuli that the aquatic environment offers.
- A suitable water activity is also the joint swimming of the parent and the baby.
- It is absolutely essential that we are always within reach of the baby during the bath.
- It is not recommended to use any water preparations (bath oils, foams, etc.).
- Also, unless otherwise directed by your doctor, limit the use of soap and care creams.
- There is no need to reheat the air in the room.
TIP N.1: The environment in which the baby “swims” should be completely calm, without disturbing influences such as bright light, loud sounds, sudden changes in temperature, etc.

3 Tips Developing The Baby’s Motor Skills
1. Tickling babies
This activity must be performed gently and carefully. Baby may react very violently and the feet and hands may move feverishly. Excessive stimulation can cause agitation and crying of the baby.
2. Just beyond the reach
When baby is lying face down, place favorite toys just out of reach. If baby can already turn from one side to the other, baby will try to reach the toys.
3. Walk talk
Walk around the room as you talking. This activitie is suitable when the baby can already sit in a stable position (but never let the baby sit for a long time). The baby may sit with one of the parents while the other is walking around the room talking to the baby. This forces the baby to turn the head, which improves muscle control as well as whole body coordination and balance.
Source: MotherAndME
Rules And Boundaries
In Baby’s 4th month we also start with rules and setting boundaries. You already have to think about what is allowed and what is not. For example: “Do not put small objects in your mouth.” Never completely ensure that small objects do not get to the baby’s mouth. That’s why it’s very important that – when you see that the baby wants to put a small object in mouth – say “no” in a calm but firm voice and take the object from his hands. You need to realize that you will have to repeat this “NO” and many more over and over again, over and over again.
In the period between 4. – 6. month baby starts talking. There is an increasing need for babies to “talk” and make sounds. When you feel that you are having a dialogue with your baby. It is necessary to take breaks when talking to with the baby, as if you were talking to an adult. Your child will increasingly “respond” to you during these breaks. Speech (soothing words) and tone of voice have the power to calm the baby.
You can talk to your baby about the things you see around you, show him different sounds, read from books – show pictures at the same time. The baby’s vision is constantly improving. In the 4th month of life, baby can observe the movement of objects with one eye. The second eyelet seems to wander – it is a natural phenomenon that gradually adjusts.

Toys Suitable For 4th Month Old Baby
- plastic fairy folder,
- children’s songs,
- sound toys,
- motivational pads with various pictures,
- shapes that make sounds,
- wooden blocks,
- differently sized containers
- fitting into each other (inserts),
- bath toys,
- household items (wooden spoons, pots),
- papers, cardboard,
- mirror,
- small soft ball
TIP N.2: For all this toys check out these article Toys for the little ones – there you will find specific links where to buy toys suitable for baby‘s development
Final Tip: Already 4-Month Milestones? Keep track with Annie Baby Monitor!
Congratulations, your baby has reached the amazing 4-month milestone! With the help of the Annie Baby Monitor, you can make sure not to miss any of those special moments.
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