Baby Names Meaning Gift, Beautiful, Strong , Miracle, Love
- Created:
4. 8. 2020 - Updated:
26. 7. 2023
More inspiration for baby names:
Baby names meaning Miracle, Blessing, Gift
- Beatris (means “blessed, happy” in Latin)
- Benedict / Benedicta (means “blessed” in Latin)
- Gwen / Wendy (means “fair, blessed” in Welsh)
- Darina (means “gift” in Slavic)
- Dorothea / Theodore (means “gift from God” in Greek)
- Jesse (means “gift” in Hebrew)
- Nessa (means “miracle” in Hebrew)
- you can name her Vanessa and call her Nessa for short
- Matthew (means “gift from God” in Hebrew)
- Pandora (means “all gifts” in Greek)
Baby names meaning Strong, Brave, Warrior
- Ari (means “brave” in Armenian and “lion” in Hebrew)
- can be a short version of names like Ariadne, Ariana, Archibald, Adrian, Arthur
- Basil (means “brave and valiant” in Arabic)
- Beren (means “strong and smart” in Turkish)
- Conall (means “strong wolf” in Irish)
- Ethan (means “solid, enduring and firm” in Hebrew)
- Ezekiel (means “God will strengthen” in Hebrew)
- Gabriel / Gabriella (means “God is my strong man” in Hebrew)
- Gerard (means “brave” in Germanic)
- Leonard (mans “brave lion” in Germanic)
- Roland / Orlando (means. “famous and brave” in Germanic)
- Valentine / Valentina (means “strong, vigorous and healthy” in Latin)
Baby names meaning Beautiful, Beauty
- Bellamy (meaning “beautiful friend” in Old French)
- Calanthe (meaning “beautiful flower” in Greek)
- Calliope (meaning “beautiful voice” from Greek)
- Callisto (meaning “most beautiful” in Greek)
- Eirian (meaning “bright and beautiful” in Welsh)
- Linda (meaning “beautiful, soft and mild”)
- Naomi (meaning “beautiful” in Japanese)
Baby names meaning Love, Beloved
- Amanda (means “lovable” in Latin)
- Amy (means “beloved” in Latin)
- Astrid (means “beautiful and beloved” in Old Norse)
- Carina / Kara (means “dear, beloved” in Latin)
- Carita / Charity (means “dearness and love” in Latin)
- Esme (means “esteemed and loved” in Old French)
- Minna (means “love” in Old German)
- can be used as a short form of Wilhemina
- Philip / Philipa (means “friend, lover” in Greek)
- Ren (means “lotus and love” in Japanese)
- can be a nickname for names like Reagan, Warren, Lawrence
Baby names meaning Royalty, Noble
- Adelaide / Adele / Ada / Alison / Alice (meaning “noble” in Germanic)
- Albert / Alberta (meaning “noble and bright” in Germanic)
- Arya (meaning “noble” in Indo-Iranian)
- Ethel (meaning “noble” in Old English)
- Karim (meaning “generous and noble” in Arabic)
- Patrick / Patricia (meaning “nobleman” in Latin)
- Sarah (meaning “lady, princess, noblewoman” in Hebrew)