Video Baby Monitor App: How do I zoom in and out on my baby monitor?

Having a video baby monitor can be a game-changer. 

It’s much better than the traditional audio-only monitors because you can see and hear your baby’s activities in real time, ensuring they sleep soundly or need your attention. 

Video monitoring also keeps your baby safe and secure. You can discover potential hazards in the nursery and monitor sleeping positions. With remote viewing capabilities, you can check your baby’s safety from anywhere, which is super convenient for busy parents. 

See and hear your baby at any time, relax and attend to other tasks with confidence.

Annie Baby Monitor – Best Wireless Digital Zoom Baby Monitor

Annie Baby Monitor is the best baby monitor with digital zoom since 2022. 

With this baby monitor, you can watch your baby from anywhere on your smartphone or tablet. 

Annie has digital zoom, day and night vision and unlimited reach so that you can see everything clearly from anywhere. 

Plus, it comes with remote viewing capabilities. So if something happens, you’ll know about it right away, no matter where you are!

How Do I Zoom Out on My Baby Monitor?

If you’re looking for a broader view of your baby’s nursery, you might want to consider learning how to zoom in and out on your video baby monitor. 

The zoom-in-and-out feature can be particularly useful when your little mover is starting to get more mobile and you want to keep an eye on the entire nursery room. 

So, to ensure you’re taking full advantage of all the features Annie Baby Monitor has to offer, here’s how to do it:

  1. Start monitoring: Start off by tapping on “Parent Unit” on your phone. By tapping on the “Camera” icon, you can start video monitoring.
  2. Use the zoom in/out feature: Once you’ve hopped into your video monitoring, it’s time to use the zoom feature. Tap on the screen and hide the control buttons. Tap on the middle of the screen and pinch your fingers outward, or tap on + and – to use the zoom.
  3. Back to monitoring: After you’ve set up the zoom feature, go ahead and tap on the screen to go back to the default monitoring display.

💡 What’s great about Annie Baby Monitor is that it allows you to adjust the zoom level to your personal preference. Annie even offers multiple zoom levels, meaning you can really customize the view to your liking, whether you like a really wide-angle or a slightly close-up view.

📖 Explore the must-have features of baby monitor.

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