Gassy Baby: 7 Tips Treating and Preventing Baby Gasses

Do you feel like you’ve done your best? Fed, changed, cuddled.

And the baby is still crying? And the baby is still crying?

Gass and belly pain are relatively common problems in the first 3 months of a baby’s age.

Each baby is individual, so it is not possible to determine one effective method or nutrition to avoid this problem at all.

Why Is My Baby So Gassy?

The baby is born with a weak abdominal wall. Baby learns to get rid of gases on its own only when starts to move more and strengthen the muscles. The newborn learns to process the food and also learns to use the force to push correctly to get rid of the gases in the belly.

The formed gases in the belly are usually the work of intestinal microorganisms that are involved to digest breast milk. A newborn baby who has not yet fully mastered the technique of feeding often also swallows a small amount of air.

How Do Baby Gases Form in the Belly?

It all starts with the mother – the mother’s diet affects the composition of breast milk. Therefore, mothers are advised to don’t consume flatulent foods such as legumes or fresh pastries.

The easiest way is to avoid the food you are allergic to. And handle all less common foods carefully and taste them in small quantities first to make sure the baby doesn’t mind.

Flatulence Food:

  • Alcohol and caffeine
  • Allergens – nuts, sea food, milk and berries
  • Foods that irritate – spices, chili peppers, exotic sauces, horseradish, sour foods
  • White sugar
  • Preservatives – a common cause of eczema and allergies

Symptoms of Sore Belly and Baby Gasses

  • The baby cries even when it is changed and fed.
  • Mother’s magical cuddle is a cure for almost everything, but when the baby is gassy, even gentle behavior fails.
  • The newborn writhes and kicks with his feet.
  • The baby is red in the face – trying to push.

7 Tips Treating and Preventing Baby Gasses

1. Burping After Breastfeeding

A tiny baby needs to burp after feeding. If you are breastfeeding while lying down and your baby falls asleep, be sure not to pick him up and not to wake up him. However, regular burping will help get rid of the excess air that has baby accumulated in the belly.

2. Tummy Massage

Create a peaceful atmosphere at home. And start with the baby belly massage. Gently massage the tummy it will help the baby move its intestines. You can also use oil intended directly for massaging the belly of a newborn. The massage should calm the baby overall and prepare him for sleep.

3. Exercises

Newborns do not have enough exercise, so they need a little help. Suitable exercises for the gasses are pulling the legs to the abdomen, lightly turning the body from side to side or lifting the legs to height. Grasp the knees with both hands from the outside and hold them together. Slowly and gently push the knee toward the belly and then put it apart in a circular motion to return to its original position. Repeat this movement several times in one exercise. Your pediatrician will advise you on how to exercise properly with a baby.

4. Positioning on the Belly

Put the baby on the tummy as often as possible. It is important to try this position from the first days after birth. At first only for a while. As your baby grows, you can increase your tummy time. It helps the baby not only train the muscles around his spine and soon to hold the head on his own, but he also massages the belly to help his gasses out. Don’t be discouraged by the fact that the child will probably not like this position at first. But as the baby grows and grows stronger, he will begin to appreciate the view and the new perspective that is offered to him thanks to this position.

5. Tea for Nursing Mothers

Breastfeeding mothers are advised to drink fennel tea regularly, which enters the baby’s intestines through breast milk. You can try to give the baby fennel tea directly in the milk into the feeding bottle. You can buy the fennel tea at pharmacies or drugstores. When serving teas, follow the age restrictions on the packaging. Be sure to consult your pediatrician before giving your baby tea.

6. Drops for the Baby Gasses

There are already an inexhaustible number of products on the market today that promise to relieve your baby of farts or colic. Not everything works the same for every child. Do not try to try all the drops that your pharmacist presents to you, but try a few and see if it has any effect. You can give some drops from birth. Along with the drops on the farts, it is good to add probiotics, which ensure the natural intestinal microflora.

7. Diet of Nursing Mothers

During breastfeeding is known – what a mother eats, the baby eats. So if your newborn is gassy, think about what you had for dinner last night. As we mentioned above, watch out for flatulence food.

During breastfeeding, be very careful about what you eat. You might not have thought that broccoli for dinner would not be such a good idea. Avoid some fresh vegetables, onions, cauliflower, cabbage, legumes, but also fresh pastries, especially sourdough. Some babies may also mind the chocolate, coffee or citrus juices. In case of long-term problems, consult a pediatrician about the possibility of testing for various food allergies, such as cow’s milk or gluten.

💡TIP: What to eat while breastfeeding?

Final Tip: Annie Baby Monitor – Soothing Gassy Baby

Dealing with a gassy baby can be tough, but the Annie Baby Monitor can make it easier.

This amazing device comes with a baby tracker feature that allows you to keep track of your baby’s health comprehensively.

Use the baby tracker to monitor your baby’s feeding schedules, diaper changes, and potential correlations with specific foods.

With the baby tracker feature, you can identify and mitigate baby food problems proactively, making it easier to handle the root causes of gassiness instead of just treating the symptoms.

As a parent, you want your little one to feel secure and healthy at all times, and Annie Baby Monitor is here to assist you with that.

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