Month 2 (5-8 Week) of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
- Created:
19. 1. 2017 - Updated:
7. 10. 2022
At this point, a pregnancy test can finally confirm your suspicion.
Are you nervous? You can make it! We believe in you.
You will start experiencing morning sickness, moodiness, and cramping. What else will be happening in your body in the 2nd month of pregnancy?
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Month 2 of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
Week 5
If you haven’t already, start eating foods or supplements with folic acid to help your baby grow better.
This is also the time you may feel physically sick. Morning sickness is common among more than 70 % of women, it should go away by the time your second trimester starts.
Week 6
You might feel overwhelmed with all the pregnancy hormones coursing through your body, but don’t worry, this will get better with time. You might feel moodier and more emotional than normal.
Morning sickness is very common at this point. You may find yourself unable to eat your favorite foods because the smell suddenly repulses you.
Your belly is starting to grow now and you might feel your breasts start to hurt as they begin to adjust to your pregnancy as well.
Week 7
You may be gaining more weight at this point, but people around you still won’t be able to tell – unless you decide to tell them yourself! The changes in weight gain may not be as prominent if you’re experiencing morning sickness. Don’t worry if you lose a few pounds, that’s completely normal – you will gain them later on when you can stomach more food.
Your baby is at its most vulnerable right about now so try to be even more careful than usual. Keep eating folic acid and other nutritional foods and avoid any unnecessary risks.
Week 8
You can experience tiredness and weariness at this point, making your sleep worse. Your uterus is expanding fast and this may cause cramping or contraction-like pains.
If you haven’t been to a doctor yet, now is the right time to call him and undergo your first gynecological examination. Always consult your doctor if you feel something’s going wrong!
How big is your baby this month? Click here!
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