Month 9 of Pregnancy

Month 9 (36–40 Week) of Pregnancy: What to Expect?

You have almost made it!

The last month, month 9, is here, you might be giving birth any week now. So, prepare your luggage for the hospital and discuss any concerns with your doctor.

Everything will be just fine, you’ll see. We wish you all the best.

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Pregnancy week by week. 3 Trimesters. 9 Months, 40 Weeks.

> Go to Week by Week Pregnancy Overview

Month 9 of Pregnancy: What to Expect?

Week 36

Your baby’s head is likely down at this point. Your breasts are bigger and more sensitive.

Also, by now you think about birth all the time and may experience anxiety. Don’t worry, every momma has been there and made it. You will too!

Week 37

All of your baby’s organs are prepared for the outside world!

You can feel the contractions in your womb, it’s just a small training for the future birth. Feeling tired is also very common. Pressure on the bladder is higher than ever meaning you have to go to the toilet very often – sometimes every hour.

Week 38

Your baby is perfectly prepared for birth. You can expect the birth any day now.

Some women can be very sad. That’s why pregnancy – especially its end – is physically and mentally exhaustive. If this is your case, hold your head up and pack your last things to the hospital.

Week 39

You could start giving birth any minute. Be ready and have all the things to the hospital prepared in your luggage.

A little tip if you are feeling anxious – write a list of your expectations and ideas about the birth and discuss it with your doctor.

Week 40

Your due date is here! But don’t worry if nothing happens, only 5 % of mothers deliver on time.

If you think you are going to labor, monitor and measure your contractions – time the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of another and time the contraction from start to finish to see how far along you are.

How big is your baby this month? Click here!

Check out also these tips

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