Month 4 (14–17 Week) of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
- Created:
2. 2. 2017 - Updated:
7. 10. 2022
The month 4 is the time period when pregnancy starts to truly feel wonderful. You might feel your baby’s 1st kick and need to switch to maternity clothing.
Your 2nd trimester has officially started!
> Go to Week by Week Pregnancy Overview
Month 4 of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
Week 14
Do you feel better now? Physically and mentally? We guess you do.
Mothers tell us the period from the beginning of the 4th month is one of the most beautiful periods of pregnancy.
Week 15
By now, your baby moves freely in the womb, but you can’t still feel it just yet. Its hearing is also fully developed so you can play it some music.
Nosebleeds are quite common during this stage of pregnancy due to the amount of blood your body has to produce to keep up with the pregnancy. Make sure you eat enough iron in your diet to keep up with red blood cell production.
Week 16
Your little baby is already kicking and rolling from one side to the other. If you’re lucky enough, you may feel a kick for the first time.
You’re well into your second trimester now and most of the first trimester symptoms should have dissipated by now. You might start to feel stretching in your navel area as your belly grows because of round ligaments stretching to protect your uterus.
Week 17
You should be gaining weight regularly and you probably already had to switch to maternity clothing to accommodate your growing stomach.
Some women may feel a strong sex drive during this time due to more pregnancy hormones.