10 Must-Have Baby Books
- Created:
8. 12. 2020 - Updated:
8. 12. 2020
We have chosen 10 interesting baby books you must have in your library. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story! Take a look at these baby books:
1. Chicken Licken
The story is about a little chicken from a farm who is afraid of everything and one day she goes to the king, to whom he wants to tell an important message. Along the way, other animals from the farm join him until they finally meet the fox.
This last character is extremely attractive for children. A nicely illustrated book for younger children is a success because it repeats the same text many times with small variations. Children will remember it over time and recite it with great pleasure together with their parents.
2. The Boy Who cried, Wolf
This book is about Sam, the sheep, the villagers, and the wolf. Sam is bored because he does the same thing every day; he takes the sheep into the mountain, guards them all day, and takes them back to the village in the evening. His boredom takes on such proportions that he decides to do something about it. He deceives the villagers several times that a wolf has appeared next to him.
3. Oh No, Monster Tomato!
Grislygust has announced a competition for the best vegetables of the year. Little bookworm Marvin decides to participate with his tomato plant. His brother Boris and sister Prunella make fun of him. However, Marvin is very determined and cannot be discouraged. But how to grow the most delicious tomatoes? The answer is easy – you sing them a special song. And what happens to tomatoes then? They will win the competition and punish Marvin’s sister and brother.
4. Potty (Leslie Patricelli board books)
“Bye, bye diaper.” I ask my Mama and Papa, “Why does he say, ‘bye-bye’ to his diaper?”
Well written, entertaining, and comedy gold, this masterpiece is bound to bring joy to people of all ages! The simplistic text allows even four-year-old to retell the story to kids.
5. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Basically, the plot of this book is about the reader seeing various animals comment on what other beings they are looking at that precise moment, while each animal states a variation of this quote:
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
What do you see?
I see a red bird looking at me.
Red Bird, Red Bird,
What do you see?
I see a yellow duck looking at me.”
Here are the lessons of the book:
- the people you think are watching you aren’t
- actually, it is YOU who is doing the watching!
- animal colours in real life may vary from depictions
6. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a story about the alphabet letters climbing a coconut tree. Brilliant colours fill each polka-dot bordered page as the alphabet begins its adventurous journey to the top of a coconut tree. The rhymes are irresistible and fun to read again and again.
The lower-case letters climb up the tree, but the tree bends and the letters fall out. Then capital letters (the older relatives) help the lower-case letters back up into the tree. Each of the lower-case letters gets hurt during the fall from the tree and the book describes each letters injury. Then, at night, letter A dares the other letters to catch him while he climbs the coconut tree.
7. That’s Not My Puppy
A really great learning experience for babies and toddlers.
Visually striking colours with plenty of variety in the textures, these are great for baby sensory – very good in helping kids connect the word with the feel. The feely pages not only make the story interactive but it also makes the pages easier to open.
8. Go, Dog. Go!
Nothing has captured the scope of emotion that encompasses romance such as Go Dog. Go! Part tragedy, part romantic comedy this is a love story for the ages. With such memorable wit and dialogue such as the belly laugh-inducing “Do you like my hat?” and the heart-wrenching reply, “No I do not.” You will laugh, and you’ll cry.
9. Giraffes Can’t Dance
“Hey, look at clumsy Gerald, ”
The animals all laughed,
“Giraffes can’t dance, you silly fool,
Oh Gerald, don’t be daft!”
A wonderfully illustrated, fun tale depicting an important message through Gerald, the giraffe. All the jungle animals have their own speciality dance except poor Gerald. Their teasing and bullying have Gerald feeling sad and bad about himself. However, with a little advice and encouragement, he soon learns it’s OK to be different and those who are just “Need a different song.” Sashaying and boogying, Gerald finds his rhythm and shines.
10. Pat the Bunny
Introducing two children – Paul and Judy – the narrator of this simple interactive book for young children invites the reader to join them in various activities, from patting a furry white bunny to playing peekaboo with a towel. Feeling Daddy’s scratchy face, and reading a story (about a bunny, of course!) are also included in the delights here…
Originally published in 1940, Pat the Bunny is an established classic of American children’s literature, and was quite ground-breaking in its day, offering an interactive experience to young child reader/listeners that was unique. Well-conceived and well-designed, it has stood the test of time, even though plenty of other interactive books for toddlers have surfaced in the intervening years.
Source: Amazon, Good reads
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