Month 1 (1 – 4 Week) of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
- Created:
12. 1. 2017 - Updated:
29. 1. 2024
If you are pregnant, a new, unique journey is ahead of you.
We understand you might feel a little bit overwhelmed. But no worries! You are absolutely going to make it.
If you are curious about what the next 9 months will bring, read through our article to find out what you can expect in month 1 of pregnancy.

> Go to Week by Week Pregnancy Overview
Month 1 of Pregnancy: What to Expect?
Week 1
The last day of your menstruation officially marks the start of your pregnancy. Although, no one will be able to say for sure for another couple of weeks.
If you suspect you might be pregnant, the best thing you can do for now is 🚫 stop smoking and drinking alcohol and start eating 🍎 lots of fruit, vegetables, and other healthy food.
Week 2
Some women may feel a slight pain in their underbellies during the second week of pregnancy and you might too. But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean there is something wrong.
Your uterus is adjusting to the fertilized egg growing new blood perfusion mucus membranes that will take care of the fertilized egg and feed it for the next few months.
Week 3
The sperm has definitely merged with the egg at this point. It has been adopted by your womb which will carry it for the next nine months. Still, no doctor or pregnancy test will work yet.
But your body is already undergoing major changes to accommodate the life growing inside of you. You can start to notice some small weight gain, around 1 to 2 pounds by now. As the baby develops over time, the changes will get bigger.
10 DPO (days past ovulation) is around week 3 or week 4 for most women. Implantation takes place around 6-12 DPO. So, you can monitor your pregnancy symptoms from 10 DPO.
Week 4
Your (not yet) baby measures about 1 mm by now. It stays in a space called the blastocyst attached to the uterus. The blastocyst produces the hormone called HCG (the human chorionic gonadotropin).
So this is the week you can take a home pregnancy test to find out if you’re pregnant because your HCG levels will be high enough for the test to detect. You may experience weak bleeding during the 4th week because of the embryo implanting itself into the lining of your uterus.
How big is your baby this month? Click here!
> Continue to Month 2 of Pregnancy
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