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My hobby that keeps me living is writing. I have more than three years of experience. I'm a content writer for print and online publications, where I mainly specialise in everything related to parenting, childcare, child development, and home security topics. I'm open to any topic in writing, though!

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13. 10. 2020
HALLOWEEN 🎃 Original Family Costumes 2020

Halloween is just around the corner and it is the perfect time to starting thinking about your costume. Halloween costumes don’t have to be just for kids. It also suits parents! Yes, it takes courage, but when you...

06. 10. 2020
60 Bilingual Boys Names

A bilingual name is a name of a person that is spelled, if not pronounced, exactly the same in two languages. The speakers of a certain language usually have names that do not exist in another language. Even when the...

01. 10. 2020
HALLOWEEN 🎃10 Movies for Kids – Scary-Friendly

One of the greatest things about Halloween is introducing your children to the spine-tingling thrills of watching Halloween movies for kids. But how scary is too scary? Here are 10 gentle „scary“ movies for your...

29. 09. 2020
5 Homemade Pumpkin Baby Food

We try to eat seasonally as much as possible around here! We rely on farmer’s markets, produce stands, and our own garden for fresh, locally-grown produce. Since seasonal eating is important to everyone when it comes...

22. 09. 2020
60 Bilingual Girls Names

A bilingual name is a name of a person that is spelled, if not pronounced, exactly the same in two languages. The speakers of a certain language usually have names that do not exist in another language. Even when the...

15. 09. 2020
Best Apps for New Moms

Parenthood is one of the most challenging and stressful journeys ever. Nowadays, thanks to technology, is parenting definitely easier, especially for mothers, because having immediate aid in your pocket can definitely...

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