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My hobby that keeps me living is writing. I have more than three years of experience. I'm a content writer for print and online publications, where I mainly specialise in everything related to parenting, childcare, child development, and home security topics. I'm open to any topic in writing, though!

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13. 05. 2021
The Annie Baby Monitor App – FAQ

Save yourself a trip to the store and mainly the money! Annie baby monitor uses hardware you already have at home. So you and your family can use the saved money for a trip or some food! Want reassurance that...

11. 05. 2021
Baby’s Development – 5 Month Milestones

The baby’s motor skills are now developed significantly. If you have trained with your baby and paid attention to him, your efforts bring the first visible results. By the 5th month of development, the muscles of...

06. 05. 2021
Baby Feeding Schedule: How Often and How Much Should Your Baby Eat?

Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned caregiver, figuring out why your baby is crying can feel like a guessing game. Fortunately, paying attention to your baby’s daily feeding schedule can help reduce...

04. 05. 2021
Unique Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Most of us fall back on the classics when it comes time to buy Mother’s Day gifts: flowers, fancy tea, a card, or a framed piece of kid art. But not every mom dreams of a bath bomb or bathrobe. One of...

Turn Your Phone Into a Baby Monitor

29. 04. 2021
Turn Your Phone Into a Baby Monitor: Simple Step-By-Step Guide

Ever wondered if there’s a way to repurpose your old smartphone? What if you could turn it into a handy, cost-effective baby monitor? Yes, you heard it right! I’m here to help you turn your phone into a baby...

27. 04. 2021
8 Tips How To Prevent Baby Hiccups

The 8 Tips How To Prevent Baby Hiccups 1.       Way You Feed 2.       Don’t Nurse When … 3.       Feeding Position...

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