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My hobby that keeps me living is writing. I have more than three years of experience. I'm a content writer for print and online publications, where I mainly specialise in everything related to parenting, childcare, child development, and home security topics. I'm open to any topic in writing, though!

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12. 10. 2021
Ten Easy Pumpkin Recipes for Kids

Pumpkin soup, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie…Yes! The pumpkin season is here. Since seasonal eating is important to everyone when it comes to food....

07. 10. 2021
Why Your Baby Won’t Sleep

Sleep. No one is getting much of it, especially during the first few months after bringing baby home. And even once your little one is sleeping through the night, baby sleep problems can still crop up from time to...

05. 10. 2021
Baby’s Development – 8 Month Milestones

At the age of 8 months, the baby learns to stand. When the child manages to climb on all fours, he can pull himself by the fence or something similar into an upright kneel on one knee. << Back to 7th...

30. 09. 2021
Autumn Activities for Rainy Days for Kids

It is not at all easy to make children not spend the whole day sitting in front of the television. But if you find the right way, kids will enjoy physical activities and look for them themselves. We had written down for...

28. 09. 2021
Top 10 Foods to Boost Kids Immunity

With autumn beginning and colder weather coming, it’s time to boost our immune system. Even more important is to boost the immune system of our children, who will be in direct “contact” with bacteria...

23. 09. 2021
Games for Toddlers

They climb, jump and they are interested in everything. Life with a toddler is, on the one hand, a lot of fun, because the child finally begins to perceive the world around and becomes curious. But sometimes...

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