Articles from

My hobby that keeps me living is writing. I have more than three years of experience. I'm a content writer for print and online publications, where I mainly specialise in everything related to parenting, childcare, child development, and home security topics. I'm open to any topic in writing, though!

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07. 06. 2022
Father Role: 10 Tips for Being the Best Dad

Parenting is not all fun and games, it can bring anger, irritation, frustration, and a sense of futility… But it has to be said that not only you but sometimes also your partner or friends feel the same way. Do you...

31. 05. 2022
Baby Monitor DIY Phone Stand

There is no need to spend your money on a phone stand when you can make one using nothing but easily accessible materials such as toilet paper roll, paper clips, cardboard, or even ordinary paper? Here are 3...

10. 05. 2022
Dad and Baby Activities: 7 Tips How to Have Fun Together

Dad, are you going to spend a few hours or your whole day with your child just in two? We have prepared special tips for you on how to enjoy your time together. For the Smallest (0 – 3 M) Don’t be fooled by...

03. 05. 2022
How to Raise a Successful Child as a Single Parent

A single parent can be a woman or a man. According to the Statista Research Department, about 3.27 million children live with a single father, and about 15.31 million children live with a single mother in the US. At...

26. 04. 2022
Baby’s Development – 12 Month Milestones

<< Back to 11th Month The child’s first year is approaching. A child approaching his first year is no longer considered a defenseless creature who cannot do anything. The exact opposite is true. As you...

19. 04. 2022
8 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas: What Mother Really Wants

Moms are indispensable in our lives. Show her how important she is to you and give her something nice for Mothers’ Day. Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in May. Thank her for the...

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